
NAB has opened 217 secrete probes on various MPAs & MNAs of PPP, including 7 members from Sheerazi Family of Thatta, who alleged theft of public funds.

National Accountability Bureau (NAB) has started secrete inquiries against notable Ministers Provincial Assembly Sindh and Ministers National Assembly of Pakistan People’s Party involving in mega corruption in Local Government Schemes in all districts of Sindh Province.

The NAB began a probe regarding the alleged illicit use of funds provided through the Local Government Department, Government of Sindh, funding enormously initiatives across the province. The move emerges in light of accusations of massive fraud and misappropriation of their positions involving prominent Members Provincial Assembly Sindh and Members National Assembly of Pakistan People’s Party in Sindh province.

The National Accountability Bureau wrote a letter to the Chief Secretary Sindh, where they have clearly mentioned that National Accountability Bureau (NAB) is conducting secrete inquiries against the all accused persons who are involved in mega corruptions and corrupt practices, which is cognizable under Article 9(a) punishable under section 10 of National Accountability Bureau Ordinance, 1999 and 11 (c) Schedule of 4 secrete inquiries schedule thereto.

Furthermore, officer from NAB has written to Chief Secretary Sindh that Accountability Bureau (NAB) has notify through secrete branch that NAB has conducted secrete inquiries to reveal the mega corruption in the Local Government Department as well as Local Government Department all over councils in Sindh province.

Moreover, he stated that since last few months in which secretary local government board Mr. Zameer Abbasi and the elected representatives of the ruling party i.e Pakistan People’s Party were found directly and indirectly found involved for long time busy in corruption in this department as well other departments could be blinded. He stated that elected representatives kept / appointed officers of their own choice in local councils and bring them on their will.

NAB officer has stated more that NAB has collected telephonic recordings / conversations of MPAs and MNAs talking about the transactions of local councils Officer has further requested to Chief Secretary Sindh to make a schedule for all officers and MPAs and MNs included in list of 36 pages direct them to appear before concerned NAB offices.



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